DS NO. 68 DZM, GBUZ. Pushkino, Russia

Views: 52

GBUZ "DS No. 68 DZM" (Pushkino, St. box D. 2) picking up children in SANATORIUM groups of different stay (like kindergarten):
1. SANATORIUM – and-Spa GROUP DAY STAY (7-20 weekdays) for 21 days.
2. SANATORIUM – RESORT BAND - STAY (21 days, weekdays)
3. RESORT GROUP part-time (6 hours on weekdays), 5 days
Also provides additional services for the treatment of frequently ill children. All detailed information can be found on the website: www.detsan68.ru and by phone: 8-903-136-30-31; 8-499-136-30-31; 8-495-993-43-55.


Moscow Oblast
Pushkino city

str. Pushkinskoe pole, 2

tel. 8 (495) 993-43-55

Actual on 01.01.2018
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