Private investigator Kaimanovich Alexander, license No. 68 GU MVD of Russia in the Rostov region dated 09.04.2007 of the year, provides a wide range of detective services, both in the Rostov oblast and the southern Federal district and throughout the Russian Federation. Individuals: personal security, gathering information about individuals, solving personal and family problems, assistance to lawyers, transactions with real estate, search of missing persons, search of debtors and swindlers, investigation civil and criminal offenses, supervision, video and photographing, other services connected with your safety. Legal entities: economic, information security company, business security, competitive intelligence, business intelligence, checking of premises for illegal collection of information, adjusting data on citizens and organizations, protection of trademarks, verification of documents. Confidentiality, legality and integrity, guaranteed!
PAY attention that the private detective is a citizen of the Russian Federation registered as individual entrepreneur and received in accordance this Law the license for implementation of private detective activity.
Check the identity of private detectives, or You risk to use the services of persons illegally engaged in detective work.