Conducts independent evaluations of the following objects:
- assessment of damage after an accident
- damage assessment of property after flooding, fires
- assessment of residential property (apartments, houses)
- valuation of commercial real estate
- assessment of land
transport-traceological examination
- avtotehnika examination
- other types of examinations
- assessment of the property;
- assessment of residential and commercial real estate, warehouse, office, trading premises;
- evaluation of motor vehicles, aircraft, water vehicles;
- evaluation of weapons, the securities business, evaluation of share in the Charter capital of the LLC;
- valuation of office, retail, industrial, construction, textile machinery;
the evaluation for the notary
- forensic examination of handwriting, avtoekspertizy, merchandising, fire engineering, construction, technical, and other types of assessments and examinations.
Donskoy center audit services provided by LLC "Consulting-Rostov" offers a full range of services in the field of valuation of immovable and movable property, business, intellectual property in Rostov-na-Donu, Taganrog, Aksay, Azov and other cities.
Provision of services for the assessment of working conditions according to the Federal law No. 197. The special assessment of working conditions, research conditions.
Valuation of intellectual property and formation of the strategy of enterprise management on the basis of its intangible assets - is the problem, the necessity of which no one doubts. The meaning of intellectual property - ensuring the monopoly on the applied technical and technological solutions, and individual works of authorship. Valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property includes establishing rights of ownership on them. Determining the value of businesses, intangible assets play a crucial role, because it significantly increases the price of the company, especially if it brings good income. Experts of the Rostov company "the Rating-Active" will help You find out the real value of the intangible assets of the organization.
Partner-Garant — appraisal company providing services of property evaluation of all types for businesses and individuals in Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov, Volgograd regions, Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Krai.
"Evaluation portal" company, the main specialization of which is the solution to any issue concerning property valuation. Our team of highly qualified, certified professionals with extensive experience in this field.
Valuation of real estate and land, valuation of business, valuation of intangible assets, contesting the cadastral value, the analysis of the real estate market of the southern Federal district, judicial examination, drafting of business plans