Audit consulting company "ERKON" is working in audit and consulting since 1997. For a long time of its operation the company has gained more than 250 loyal customers throughout Russia.
Our services:
Tax and legal advice
Legal services to legal entities
An audit of financial statements
Development of business plans
Appraisal services
Property valuation
Tax and accounting consulting
Services in area of IFRS
Training center
Our advantages:
We are in the Top 10 largest auditing companies in the southern Federal district
The company‘s experience 18 years
The staff of 24 people
Provided 12,000 consultations
Membership in SRO "Russian Collegium of auditors"
3900 report on the assessment made
Free seminars for our clients
Total revenue of all of the audited customers in 2013 was 66 billion
Conducted 2 700 audits
Stachova the sum of 20.5 million rubles
Our clients:
JSC "Rostovavtomost"
JSC "Stroyfarfor"
JSC "Glubokinsky brick factory"
JSC "Taganrog factory "Surf"
OAO Rostov plant "Pribor"
RO Group of companies "Millennium"Group of companies "Sea-River"
Group of companies Evrodon