Yu-Land. Samara, Russia

Views: 95

We are a large and friendly team who happily engaged with children from 8 months to 7 years.
In the classroom in the child development club "u-Land" we have a great time - play and learn about the world, learn completely new and very interesting about everything that is important to know the naughty little body!
The main thing for us is to captivate the child, to cause him genuine interest and desire for new knowledge. We awaken his curiosity and encouraging a desire to do something independently, whether finding the right solution for the task or even its own opening. We create for children such conditions that they alone disclose their talents.
We support any initiatives and focus on the success of their kids, noticing merits and achievements, at the same time not focusing on mistakes and failures.

We will strengthen skills and talents, which are already included in Your child that will develop them and add new skills and knowledge.

We want You to know that all questions arising in the child‘s learning process – decide. Your voiced opinion is important to us and will never be ignored!


Samara Oblast
Samara city

str. Stara-Zagora, 53

tel. +7 (927) 692-75-43
tel. +7 (927) 900-14-16

Actual on 01.01.2018
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