Rent a property without intermediaries.
Our Database contains the options of apartments and rooms for rent in Saint Petersburg directly from the owners!
We take the information from private sources, which is used by all real estate agencies. Daily we scan over 500 ads for rental apartments and rooms in social networks, message boards, furthermore, many owners are cooperating with us, call and report information about their apartments and rooms for rent.
Our dispatching service checks whether it is a private Declaration, specify additional conditions and the wishes of the owners and place an ad in our DATABASE.
The number of options is constantly growing by attracting new sources of information. The convenient interface allows to quickly collect the necessary information. Our project is for You!
Selling : Residential, commercial, Rural , new Buildings, Foreign real estate.
Rent: Residential commercial, rural.
Construction: low-rise construction in the city of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, design.
Services: maintenance of transactions related to alienation of real estate. Privatization, exchange, representation of interests in court, Settlement, family disputes, Inheritance, Land measuring works, Geodesy, Surveying, Translation in uninhabited Fund, property Management, credit Debt disputes, negotiations with developers (Check the documentation and minimization of risks). Close cooperation with State organizations!!!!!
You have selling, buying or renting an apartment? Need to find good office space? Choose a real estate Agency in Saint-Petersburg, which has an extensive database of real estate? The Russian market is overflowed with offers of services from agencies and individuals involved in real estate transactions. The first thing that attracts inexperienced buyers in the transaction without intermediaries – the cost. However, it is not so simple.
The media every day filled up with stories about how scammers are cheating the citizens, offering to sell or buy an apartment. How not to become their victim? How to sell your property in Saint-Petersburg or to buy a house, saving time and making the most profitable deal? How to rent a cheap apartment or to rent an office in a good area? If You are seriously thinking on these issues, the best solution is to appeal to a professional realtor. To those who know how to protect client‘s interests and to ensure full security of transactions, quickly identifying potential risks and finds a reliable offer has an extensive database of real estate in St. Petersburg and the regions. Any operation with real estate will be a pleasant and simple procedure, if You are certain that Your transaction is accompanied by an expert Agency which possesses all the necessary knowledge, experience and will be able to defend Your rights.
Professional real estate Agency in Saint-Petersburg , in addition to the basic services will always be able to provide competent consultation on questions of purchase-sale and other real estate transactions. If You want to assess the competence of a realtor, ask him a few questions. So You will be able to assess the level of information and make a decision about the possibility of cooperation. Experience in real estate activities directly affect the completeness and relevance of the data provided by the company when buying real estate in Saint-Petersburg, the reviews testify to the quality of work of employees.
We will help you find what suits for you and offer all possible relevant proposals in the city.
- Buying property in Saint Petersburg
Selling real estate in St. Petersburg
- Real estate for rent in Saint-Petersburg
Mortgage loans assist in the receipt. 36 partner banks.
- Legal services and advice
Operations with commercial real estate.
- We always guarantee the legality and honesty of the transaction
- Individual approach to each client.
We offer no services – we provide results!
NIS-the expert – the official statement of the Military mortgage.
The company will help you to make your real estate transaction.
A distinctive feature of the NIS-the expert support you in all processes: from the choice of the object of mortgage support and signing of contracts, to legal advice in case of dismissal of a military serviceman or a penalty from the Builder.
Be sure that the company will be with you 24 hours a day. The company for a long time working with the military and have earned the trust.
Center of real estate Premier estate is a modern company providing real estate services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. At the moment we are working steadily on the main directions of the market of real estate and legal services, advanced technology and professional experience of our employees allow us to quickly and at a high level to enable any tasks.
Buy, sell, exchange, rent apartments, commercial, luxury and country real estate
We help our clients to sell or buy an apartment in St. Petersburg quickly and efficiently. If you need to lease, rent, own apartment or room, office, or commercial space, our rental services will help you to do it in the shortest terms and for the maximum price.
Real estate Agency "the Status" engaged in implementations of real estate
in new and under construction houses Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region.
The main directions of our company are: residential real estate under construction,
commercial real estate under construction real estate on the secondary market.
Experienced professionals will help you find the best deals with all possible discounts in the real estate market. Full transaction support: from selection to purchase.
We work under direct contract with the developers, so the fee for our service for you always 0%!