Incentive. Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Medical center "Stimulus" began its work in 2003. The main areas of work of the medical center "Stimulus" are:
Beauty services: cosmetology, beauty treatments for face and body, contouring, beauty treatments botulotoksina and Gorunova acid, manicure, pedicure, body wrap etc.
Program for figure correction and weight.
Medical services: osteopathy, hydrotherapy, leech therapy, counseling, etc.
Massages: underwater massage, cervico-cranial massage, lipoatropy massage, etc.


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

196128, Moskovskiy ave., 149g

tel. +7 (812) 369-75-45

http://с 9-00 до 21-00 без выходных
Actual on 01.01.2018
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