The company‘s history, "Dr Des" began in 2007 in the group of companies "Neoptica".
Since 2014 we work independently.
We carry out complex deliveries of disinfectants and medical supplies in all regions of Russia not only to medical institutions in various fields, but also beauty salons, pre-school and school children‘s institutions.
We are pleased to offer medical disinfectants and consumables at competitive prices and in the shortest possible time.
Our company has a wide range of original high-quality products for modern medicine.
Working directly with leading manufacturers, we are able to offer you the most favorable terms of purchase.
All products have the necessary quality certificates and registration certificates.
Each visit of the experts of the company "a House without bugs" is intended to identify all the nuances that may affect the emergence and spread of insects in your home.
The destruction of bedbugs begins with a comprehensive survey of property to identify and assess the uniqueness of the case.
The emergence and spread of these parasites is influenced by sanitary conditions and habits of the owners of the house, presence of Pets, as well as the quality of the insulation from the neighbors.
Disinfection and cleaning of cold water and hot water in the house system, utilities, agriculture, food and dairy industry, beverage production
Cleaning and disinfection of tanks with drinking water
Sanepidsluzhba – professional wrestling with bugs in SPb
If you want to get professional disinfection from bedbugs in the apartment at a price that will not ruin your family budget, call the phone numbers on the website or email. Our managers will be able to provide the most complete advice about the applied technologies and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation for each client. We can handle the most complex cases of premises of bedbugs, and one hundred percent guarantee the efficiency and quality of work performed.
Chief medical services portal of the city of St. Petersburg. The destruction of any insects and rodents. Services on documentary support of sanitary issues for business. Professional disinfection, disinsection, deratization. Selling specialized facilities for processing premises, apartments and plots.
The company "THREE D" offers the services of disinsection, deratization and disinfection in St. Petersburg.
Turning to us, you can be sure of our responsibility, a professional approach and high quality of work. We give 100% result guarantee, and that means you will forget the reason for its appeal to us.
Our main advantages:
when ordering disinfestation and deratization in the "THREE D", you get a full package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor;
also we conclude with each client contract for services;
in our work we use only modern means of treatment;
having a license in the field of Disinfectology gives us the right to engage in this activity and guarantees results.
LLC "Center of Deratization, Disinfection, Disinsection" we offer You a complex of services on sanitary processing of premises, open areas, and containers and goods. Our range of services includes all the operations that are needed to maintain proper sanitary condition of Your objects.
Turning to the "Center of Deratization, Disinfection, Disinsection" You can get the following services:
- deratization;
- disinfection
- disinfestation.
For its corporate clients, and "Center of Deratization, Disinfection, Disinsection" offers a convenient and flexible tariffs-time and permanent maintenance.
This offer is generalized and for each customer an individual approach.
The cost of a subscription contract:
- disinfestation of 3500 R.
- disinfestation of 4000 p
- for disinfection of 4000 p