Our company helps to residents of St. Petersburg find, select and connect to optimum ISP.
Our team have worked in telecommunications for 7 years. During this time, employees Netguide have time to try out different positions: sales Manager, major dealer Director and Advisor sales. We got valuable experience.
For 7 years we have connected over 10 million subscribers. As shown by an independent study: 90% of our clients expressed a high degree of loyalty and are willing to recommend us to their friends and family.
We work with the simple Internet users and large Internet providers.
The company OPT-TELE.COM a wide range of network equipment such global leaders as Cisco, D-link, TP-LINK, HUAWEI, EDGE-CORE, Infomir and Transceivers in all form factors (SFP, GBIC, SFP+, X2, XFP, XENPAK, CWDM and DWDM modules)
Sealing systems (passive systems CWDM and DWDM, DWDM system with signal amplification, including supporting calculations and installation)
Passive components (optical Cords – own production in St. Petersburg, adapters, crosses, PLC, welded hubs, etc.).
Equipment for welding and installation of fiber optic (welding machines for welding optics, testing equipment, fiber optic). To order equipment wholesale and retail with delivery across St.-Petersburg and all over Russia right now by making a purchase on the website or by phone 8-800-777-0538.