Communications construction, pipe-laying of any complexity. A full range of services from design to commissioning. Experience more than 5 years, by qualified personnel only. The service is supervised installation of "turnkey" full complex of works and supply of all necessary materials!
Our company is engaged in the installation of septic tanks, Autonomous Sewerage and water supply for a country house or Villa. We use only the latest technology based on the method of deep biological treatment of domestic wastewater. Our sewage system allows you to save your health and does not pollute the environment.
Construction company "Energostroymontazh" provides a wide range of repair and construction works on the territory of Saint-Petersburg and the region. A distinctive feature of our organization from other construction companies of St. Petersburg is a comprehensive approach to providing construction and repair services.
The services offered by our company includes:
General Contracting;
construction of houses and cottages in the Leningrad region;
all kinds of civil works;
installation of engineering systems of buildings and structures;
plumbing work;
electrical work;
repair and finishing works in houses, apartments and offices of any complexity, including with redevelopment.
We are not limited to just providing services in the field of construction and provide a comprehensive and systematic approach, using the maximum resources available in modern conditions, using high-tech materials and the latest solutions in the field of construction.
We are a modern fast growing company, our employees are professionals in the field of construction, our partners are reliable and proven professionals, and our goal is the improvement of the service delivery process and the prompt satisfaction of Your needs.
SepticBox the company is engaged in sale, installation and maintenance of sewer systems: septic tanks, Autonomous Sewerage, biological treatment plant wastewater. Work directly with major brands: UNILOC, TOPAS, Rostock, Tank Evrobion, Biporit, FloTenk, Uponor.