The emergency Department of Oncology and Coloproctology Department of the St. Petersburg research Institute. I. I. Dzhanelidze specializiruetsya for the treatment of colon cancer, like other cancers, at different stages. We use the most progressive methods, the effectiveness of which is recognized by the international medical community.
The Department provides the treatment of complicated colorectal cancer and cancer of the colon, the colon (ascending, transverse and descending), sigmoid colon. As a rule, diseases early enough surgery to remove malignant tumors and nearby lymph nodes. In the later stages and in the presence of complications used surgical techniques such as overlay stoma (artificial anus), fecal fistula or anastomosis (artificial connection), colectomy, abdominal-anal resection, abdominoperineal resection, Hartmann operation. Treatment of tumors of the intestine also be combined with radiation therapy (before the operation) and chemotherapy (after operation to prevent recurrence).
Use of a new technology chemohyperthermia intraperitoneal perfusion for locally advanced tumors.