Gallery KASUGAI offers assistance to collectors and private museums in the formation and support of meetings; provides a variety of services for customers with different collecting experience – from beginners to professionals. In addition, offers of meetings with leading experts in the field of history and the arts of Japan, a deep and broad acquaintance with the culture of this country, as in Russia and Japan.
Collection of KASUGAI is presented in two galleries, located in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The "pearls" of the collection are antique curiosities and objects of Museum value. The Gallery is cooperating seriously with contemporary Japanese masters, whose works also have high artistic value and unique aesthetics. Japanese swords have served those items that marked the beginning of the Gallery‘s collection in 2006-2007. And in many ways it is a personal acquaintance of the owner of the Gallery with the Smiths — representatives of famous dynasties, where the art of forging a sword passed down from generation to generation, served as the impetus that later led to the birth of the Gallery.
Collection of KASUGAI is presented in two galleries, located in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The "pearls" of the collection are antique curiosities and objects of Museum value. The Gallery is cooperating seriously with contemporary Japanese masters, whose works also have high artistic value and unique aesthetics.