Nevskiy Yurist, OOO. Saint Petersburg, Russia

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"Nevsky Lawyer" is a legal company, which experts daily protect Your legal rights and interests. Lawyers and advocates of our company provide full range of legal services in criminal, civil and administrative law. As the name implies our company is situated on the banks of the Neva river that is St. Petersburg.

Avtoyuristy our company will provide expert legal assistance to car owners and other road users. Carry out return of driver‘s license, including after entry of a judgment or decision of the court (at any stage). Will provide legal assistance in case of accident, will help with the damages caused in an accident, we will represent Your interests in traffic police, insurance companies. Will hold talks between the drivers and other stakeholders. Will provide protection in court. Appeal against actions, decisions of officials. will Be complaints, applications, lawsuits, conduct a comprehensive and full advice on Your situation.

The lawyers and attorneys of our company will help You in bringing You to justice. Protect Your interests in cases of family, labour and housing disputes. Defend Your rights as a consumer. Carry out Your defense in the courts.


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

190000, str. Torzhkovskaya, 3, str. 23

tel. +7 (812) 928-70-30
tel. +7 (812) 303-70-30
Actual on 01.01.2018
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