Homgart Crimea. Schelkino, Russia

Views: 86
Manufacture and sale of ready-made holiday cottages and in the Crimea.

You will receive your house, the gazebo the next day after ordering.
Come and build Your house - the gazebo for 1 day without accommodation workers.
Within 10 years you will be able to contact us with any questions.
You will receive invaluable experience of more than 5347 constructed objects, and that means efficient production processes and high level of quality.
Timber of various thicknesses of softwood, prepared by kiln-dried, does not contain formaldehyde.
In his quest to make a truly convenient, comfortable and beautiful living space, we use the experience of the best masters and schools of Europe, often being ahead of the trends in Russia.


Crimea Republic
Schelkino city

Borodin, 16B

tel. + 7 (978) 5555-001

Actual on 19.12.2019
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