Shchelkovo, md. Central Sovetskaya street, 16s2
tel. +7 (910) 521-0-555
Sometimes there are situations when you need a large amount of funds, but you are denied a loan for some reason. But if you are the owner of a car, then an auto pawnshop can help you. Today it is an excellent and reliable way of lending. has been successfully operating in Moscow since 2006 and thanks to the accumulated experience it has many qualities: issuing large amounts; loyalty to borrowers and their cars; ease of execution (just call the appraisers, sign a couple of papers and take the money); low interest rates; issuing funds in cash or to an account; flexible payment schedules; the possibility of early payment of payments without paying interest, etc. The company exists throughout Moscow and therefore it will be easy to get a loan. In this pawnshop, customers place their cars in safe hands and receive money for profitable claims. No gray schemes and imposed services! Here you will be offered a profitable loan secured by PTS or secured by a car, as well as the company issues loans secured by special equipment. Choose any type of cooperation! Car pawnshop 5 wheel. Ru works every day 24/7, so call at any time convenient for you and our friendly support team will quickly answer all your questions!