Funeral services for animals of Shchelkovo

Funeral services for animals :

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Shchelkovo, Proletarskiy ave., 9

tel. +7 (903) 187-87-57

Crematorium for animals in Schelkovo, Moscow region
A pet brings joy and happiness to every member of the family. However, the life of dogs and cats fleeting. Therefore, the owner wants to say goodbye to a pet properly, to thank him for his years of devotion and joy.

Services of the funeral
According to the law to bury animals in the square or Park is prohibited. So you have to take the body out of the city. However, a few months later to find the grave of your pet in the woods will be very difficult. Therefore it is better to find a place on a cemetery for Pets Shchyolkovo. However, this can only be done after the cremation.

Besides self-burial outside the city may not be possible in the absence of personal transport, old age or lack of time. Funeral Agency for animals (dogs, cats) in Schelkovo, Moscow region will help you to say goodbye to the pet exactly as he deserves.

After the death of a pet, you should immediately call us. We will collect the body from home or a veterinary clinic, and take him to the crematorium for animals (dogs, cats) in Schelkovo. Then you will be able to get the urn with the ashes of a pet for storage. Ashes can also be scattered or buried.

We offer other repair services for animals (Karur):

sale of coffins, urns, monuments, wreaths and other funeral goods;

the services of Kopachi;

installation of monuments;

General and individual cremation;

selection of the place to the cemetery and the ritual of burial;

perform other requests of pet owners agreed in advance.

The advantages of cremation
Cremation is the most popular method of disposal of dead animals dogs, cats, rabbits (Shchelkovo). This procedure has a number of advantages:

Environmental purity. The decomposition of a corpse in the soil are allocated to dangerous chemicals. Cremation reduces the time of disposal of the animal‘s body to several hours.

Affordable price. Most affordable disposal of biological waste of animals (Bethesda) – total cremation. In this case, the pet‘s body is destroyed along with other animals.

The most decent way to say goodbye to a pet. Here you can order a direct cremation, where the pet is incinerated separately. The owner may attend the cremation to say goodbye to a pet.

The opportunity to receive the ashes. Individual cremation allows you to receive the urn with the ashes of the pet. In the future, it can be buried or left at home as a reminder of the wonderful years spent together with the pet. Many owners prefer to scatter ashes in their pet.

The funeral dogs and cats
Burial of animals (dogs, cats) at a pet cemetery in Shchyolkovo allowed after cremation. Turning to us, you will be able to choose the perfect plot of land for graves, order a tombstone or plaque, but also to purchase other commemorative products.

We offer neat, clean and secure the cemetery, on which you will be able at any time to come with his family to visit the deceased four-legged friend. To bury a dog, cat at pet cemetery (Copenhagen) in the ground or in the memorial wall of urns.

The burial of animal can be performed without the personal presence of the owner. However, in some cases, customers order the ritual of burial, to say goodbye to the pet and to thank him for his years of devotion and joy. Our experts will conduct the ceremony with all wishes of the client, and support in a difficult moment.

Actual on 01.01.2018
The Good Doctor
Shchelkovo, str. Krasnoznamenskaya, 17/1

tel. +7 (926) 095-17-77

-Removal of deceased pet from your home or apartment for the subsequent cremation.
- Cremation ( can be done both in General and individually).
Humane euthanasia (euthanasia) by the physician.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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