Personal fitness Facials LULU
It is the author‘s Personal Lifting program aimed at the development and restoration of bone and muscle structures of the face. Personal fitness care LULU GYM - is a set of personal trainers and exercise with them.
The system is based on the following principles:
- science-based theory of the structure of the bone-muscular system of the face and neck
law of physiology "wrinkling, laxity and sagging"
- "biomechanical rehabilitation technologies"
- Temporomandibular joint, circular muscles of the mouth and eyes
An ultra non-surgical face lifting and neck – an alternative to plastic surgery.
The equipment is certified
Made of high quality materials:
- medical silicone
- surgical stainless steel with the addition of silver
A professional eyelash.In the premium material.Any effect.
+7 (926) 101-20-26