Advertising group "Apelsin". Serov, Russia

Views: 93

We do outdoor advertising in cities of the Northern region Sverdlovsk region since 1999.
This is a variety of signs, facades and entrances, billboards and banners, pylons, navigation tools, and media for street and premises.
We are ready to offer you ideas on advertising design your objects, to find innovative technical solutions and to implement them on its own.
If you want to have a unique visual design of your company or business, be intuitive to your customers and employees and to differentiate ourselves from the competitors welcome.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Serov city

624992, str. Fevralskoy Revolyutsii, 1

tel. 8 (34385) 7-51-46
tel. 8 (34385) 7-55-00
tel. 8 (912) 290-96-29
Actual on 01.01.2018
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