Our detective Agency provides the following types of services: people search, verify the life of children, polygraph testing, tracking of goods, verification of personnel, verification/her spouse in infidelity, surveillance and so on. To check full list of services and prices you can contact us at the contact numbers.
YES "the LEGEND" provides detective services, both individuals and legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation, including abroad. For more than a 10-year period detective (detective) activities, we have prepared a competent and legally qualified professionals. We value our professional reputation. We are professionals of private investigation, we appreciate our customers and protect their interests. Our customers are found in the Agency understanding, help and protection. Our services are always available to citizens and organizations. The main principle of our work is strict confidentiality. We work legally, professionally and promptly with individual respect, utmost care, understanding and respect to each customer. Guarantee full responsibility for all information given to You. In any, even very complex and confusing situation, do not hesitate to call us and we will provide You with professional support and assistance in solving problems and tasks of any nature.