Inventory-Caucasus. Stavropol, Russia

Views: 15

Specialization of the company "Cadastre-Caucasus" is the definition, change, contestation of cadastral value of land. Services companies will help in addressing issues associated with the recalculation of land values, reduced tax payments, optimization of rents and the redemption value of the land. In the market for the provision of such services, the company works for a long time and has earned the status of a responsible and reliable partner. Professional professionals can offer their clients a personal approach and proven solutions to the tasks, guaranteed quality results. The company cooperates both with legal entities and with state bodies in the Stavropol territory and the neighboring regions.


Stavropol Krai
Stavropol city

str. Industrialnaya, 47

tel. +7 (988) 571-27-35

Actual on 01.01.2018
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