NTV-Taganrog. Taganrog, Russia

Views: 61

Wide possibilities of television broadcasting allow you to promote a huge variety of goods and services. Advertising on NTV channel in the city of Azov is a good opportunity to tell potential customers about all the benefits of Your products.

There are the following types of television advertising: an information message direct response (the translation is performed in the pauses between transmissions), sponsor‘s advertising, the use of the products or services directly in the program, a short report (interview) to advertise the Vip product is created independent transmission.

The cost of advertising on the NTV channel is calculated on the basis of the following parameters: whether the focus on the specific audience, region broadcast, the length of the roller, drives the brand, the number of direct outputs in Prime time, and equally important is the period of broadcast.

Advertising on NTV channel in the city of Azov – the best option that will allow you to talk in detail about the promoted goods. When placing advertising messages on television, you should consider the following advantages: wide coverage, the impact on potential customers is carried out in an integrated manner (visual, auditory effects, visual effects), significantly increases the consumer confidence in the brand, targeting, broadcasting.

Advertising on NTV will make Your products recognizable as TV watching people who work in different areas, so the choice of the Central channel You would definitely win.

So, if You now the question is how expensive to advertise on NTV? Experts have proved that the average cost of placing information messages on TV is a few times lower than the cost of filing in other media.


Rostov Oblast
Taganrog city

347922, Petrovskaya, 17/1

tel. 8 (908) 504-03-86
tel. 8 (8634) 36-11-80

Actual on 01.01.2018
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