The Flower Of Life. Taganrog, Russia

Views: 91

"FLOWER of LIFE" - the first of its kind yoga Studio and Pilates in Taganrog.
We are a specialized center, which contains high types of yoga in Taganrog, as well as several group Pilates and group correction.
We do not gather groups of more than 10 people so the trainer was able to give You the most attention and helped to achieve the result for which You came to our Studio. Because each person has their own desires: some want to increase the flexibility of the body, the other is to improve overall health, others to address specific problems with the spine. And if You want to relax, or to remove the clips - featuring the hands of our experienced masseur.
The atmosphere of the Studio will take You from the bustle of the hectic city. After practicing for free You will be treated to a Cup of herbal tea Altai, but if You came to class early - You can choose to read an interesting book about yoga or self-development in our mini-library. On weekends we offer You to plunge into the world of live music concerts on the weekend, discover something new at the seminars and meet interesting people. Also, You have the opportunity to order mehndi (body painting with henna) from our master. If You are working next to our center, You can have a hot vegetarian lunch cooked by all the canons of Vedic cuisine.
Free lessons will help You to find your teacher and school. Also, You can buy or order the goods for yoga, the store provided "Power Yoga" (mats, bags, accessories, etc.).



Rostov Oblast
Taganrog city

per. Turgenevskiy, 14

tel. 8 (8634) 45-47-45
tel. 8 (904) 349-50-16
Actual on 01.01.2018
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