MOBY Lawyer. Tolyatti, Russia

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MOBY Lawyer is legal services for individuals and legal entities. Legal support to small businesses. The experience and high professionalism of our specialists will help to solve many problems and issues related to registration and liquidation of LLC, CJSC, IE. We are ready to provide legal advice to all who need the help of qualified lawyers. A thorough knowledge of the laws and nuances of economic activities allows us to develop customized and standard arrangements for the establishment and successful operation of Your business!

If You or Your company, there are legal issues that require qualified solutions to MOBI a Lawyer willing to help, which can be expressed in the following:
- oral and written consultations of our lawyers, professionals specializing in relevant areas of law. The legal opinion will necessarily contain: a legal analysis of the question under study in an amount not greater than is necessary for the client to justify their position; conclusion and summary of recommendations on the method and means of resolution; an indication of the possible risks and assessing their significance. Also, the possible development of legal schemes of transactions/contracts, to solve business tasks, taking into account legality, profitability, responsibility of the first persons of the company and taxation. Consultation cost is 500 RUB., written legal opinion (depending on the complexity of the issue and volume) - from 1 500 rubles.
- participation and legal support in negotiations with contractors. The goal is the best representation of Your interests, immediate warning and possible adverse effects, both for the company and its leadership. Payment – by agreement.
- drafting agreements and other legal documents that regulate legal relations with counterparties. Usually around 1500-3000 rubles per contract.
- protection of interests in arbitration courts and courts of General jurisdiction, on the side of the plaintiff or defendant. Taking the case, our lawyers evaluate materials, develop legal position, strategy and tactics that coordinate with the client, explains possible variants of the process (based on the practice, if in such cases it is formed) then, determine the cost of services and concluded an agreement to conduct the case in court. Then, prepared all necessary procedural documents, collect evidence, is representative in the process. During the process, the client receives the necessary advice and tips. The cost depends on the circumstances of a particular case (from 15 000 in the first instance; in cases where the subject of the dispute are rights to property – from 30 000 rubles). In some cases, an additional fee in the amount of 5 - 10% of the value of the claim.
- representation of interests in enforcement proceedings. Preparation of necessary applications and petitions, gathering information about objects of property that may be levied (usually, such events are best done at the pre-trial stage). The cost of service is 10 000 rubles + an additional fee in percentage of the amounts recovered (or the value of the property).
- protection on criminal cases at the stage of preliminary investigation: basic fee - from 15 000 rubles. Protection includes preparation of all necessary documents, and production of all actions aimed at protecting the interests of the client. "MOBY Lawyer" does not take remuneration for the number of submitted documents. Depending on the specific circumstances, may provide additional compensation, for example: changing the measure of restraint (arrest for recognizance not to leave), reclassification to a lighter article / piece of article of the criminal code, with the exception of the episode of the charges.
- protection on criminal cases at the trial stage of the proceedings in the first instance: the base size of the fee – from 15 000 rubles.

This is not a complete list of legal services provided by the specialists of "MOBY Lawyer". The cost of services may vary both upwards and downwards, depending on the complexity of the case.

I hope that the information above will help You navigate the selection.


Samara Oblast
Tolyatti city

445037, pr-t Stepana Razina, 36a, TTs

tel. +7 (927) 021-37-99

Actual on 01.01.2018
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