Teploresurs. Tutaev, Russia

Views: 121

We offer a wide range of products for the equipment of systems of heating and water, as well as a full range of services for installation and maintenance of heating equipment. Our company represents such brands as BOSCH, BUDERUS, VIESSMANN, VAILLANT, BAXI, PURMO, KERMI, REHAU and many others. Always ready to offer You a large selection of gas, solid fuel, combined and electric boilers, circulation pumps, water heaters, radiators. Turning to the Warmth Resource, You will receive competent and comprehensive advice on any equipment. In addition, we will help You not only in the choice of the heating equipment, but also in the preparation of the necessary thermal calculations , performing the installation and configuration of the objects.
Looking forward to seeing You in the office Heat Resource.


Yaroslavl Oblast
Tutaev city

150001, str. Belinskogo, 35, str. 12

tel. +7 (4852) 45-94-00
tel. +7 (4852) 33-02-21

Actual on 01.01.2018
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