Professional real estate marketing: marketing research of demand for property (capacity, volume, segments), monitoring of residential and commercial properties, updated related segments of the real estate market, analysis of the best use (best use), development of concepts of real estate, consumer research real estate market (buyers and tenants), competitive analysis of real estate market players, sales forecast, development of market strategy projects, outsourcing analytic functions and marketing projects.
The center for marketing research "Marketing groups" Ufa offers its services in conducting various types of surveys in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Our services:
-Telephone interviews
-All types of residential surveys
-The street interviews
Hall tests
Home tests
-Mystery shopper
Survey method CAPI.
-Organizing and conducting focus groups
Farm. surveys
-In-depth interviews
-Business interview
-Preparation and conducting of Business missions and meetings "Business community"
Marketing researches in Ufa, consulting, marketing planning, business Analytics, statistical analysis, marketing and sociological data in SPSS, preparation of analytical reports and presentations, assistance in writing theses and dissertations.