Evacuation, those who need help around the clock. We provide towing services in Uglich, Uglichskiy district daily. Your fleet of tow trucks with a crane manipulator, with a winch and broken platform that allows you to choose a tow truck for a specific case. Evacuate tractors, carts, rollers, agricultural machinery, special equipment, cars and trucks weighing up to 5 tons. By calling this number You will have to explain more just exactly Your location. We will try as quickly as possible to come to You and provide assistance. Cash, Bank transfer. Help to collect documents for insurance companies.
Order a tow truck,those who need help around the clock.Evacuation of tractors,carts,rollers,machinery,agricultural equipment,jeeps,vans,cars and trucks weighing up to 5 tons.The fleet of tow trucks with crane manipulator,with a winch and a polygonal platform allows us to pick up a tow truck for a specific event and perform any task.Not expensive,with low prices,but quality work will deliver Your car to the specified destination.Freight throughout R,f Our tow trucks are able to evacuate the emergency cars,cars without wheels,tilted to the side,on the roof caught up in a ditch,the car with the drunk driver or just a driver is tired and doesn‘t want to go himself.Cash,Bank transfer.Proof of expenses,collection of documents necessary for insurance companies.Quick delivery of cars,experienced drivers and cheap rates for evacuation will pleasantly surprise You.