Useful newspaper Uglich. Uglich, Russia

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The name of the utility of the newspaper due to the fact that it contains many useful tips, announcements, and important phone numbers, as well as TV program, horoscope, crossword puzzle, crossword, Sudoku, coloring pages and puzzles for kids.

Newspaper formed according to the type of reference and is divided into 3 parts:

1 part. Rubrics with useful tips (the Numbers/facts; news; Compilation (all about the same); Interesting Renovation; Automania; Season of giving; Kitchen; Fashion/Beauty; Health; Our children.) and advertising firms in the appropriate direction, which is convenient for readers and for advertisers.

Part 2. App TV program and a directory of useful phone numbers (Municipal service; Enterprises and organizations of Uglich and Myshkin; Codes.).We will be glad to cooperate with You!

Part 3. Commercial and private announcements (Jobs; Services; real Estate; Cars; Appliances; Clothes; Dating, etc.).


Yaroslavl Oblast
Uglich city

Bazarnyy proezd, 1a

tel. 8 (48532) 5-46-69
tel. 8 (980) 746-54-90
tel. 8 (980) 747-55-40

Actual on 01.01.2018
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