Heaters, Talako. Ulan-Ude, Russia

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In Ulan-Ude selling energy efficient heaters, Teplice quartz sand is carried out through the company store the company, Teplice, which is located at the following address: Mr. str., 35 In Botanical, Crocus. Energy saving heaters, Talako in Ulan-Ude is a unique production of the domestic plant. In Ulan-Ude elaborately you can buy without extra charge, as Talako not cooperating with dealers, and sells heaters in Ulan-Ude directly from the factory.


Buryatia Republic
Ulan-Ude city

190000, str. Botanicheskaya, 35 V, TTs

tel. 8 (964) 414-52-54
tel. 8 (301) 251-52-54

Actual on 01.01.2018
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