Viola, OOO. Ulyanovsk, Russia

Views: 60

Welcome to the website of the company "Alta".

We are pleased to offer You our services and products to your attention given the equipment: front and forklifts, skid-steers. You can buy a loader additional equipment to it or the other equipment at the best price.
Also provided average and small warehouse equipment and related products: stackers, pallet trucks, trucks, metal furniture and safes, workbenches, shelving, industrial wheels, plastic container.
Together with metal furniture provided a range of products for Housing and communal services: urns, benches, container, equipment, garbage, etc.
The service team will provide You the guarantee of a long work purchased machinery and equipment.
Special equipment and loaders from leading manufacturers in Japan, China, and European countries. Ensure your company is strong link in the chain of development of the enterprise. In connection with long-term experience of deliveries of original equipment manufacturers in Russia, and they established themselves in the market, it‘s brands such as: XCMG, TCM, DALIAN.

Average and small warehouse equipment and supplies represent a number of high quality products and great prices.
Additional equipment supplied with equipment, has a positive feedback on the Russian market.
As for the product housing, it is made by leading manufacturers in Russia, and also provides him with a maximum compliance price and quality.
All products provided by the company "Alta" is checked and quality, call us we are always happy.


Ulyanovsk Oblast
Ulyanovsk city

Moskovskoe shosse, 8a

tel. 8 (927) 270-94-70
tel. 8 (8422) 65-45-80
Actual on 01.01.2018
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