Emergency door opening. Prominent, Russia

Views: 167

Services of local private masters doors and locks.
Opening of locks of doors replacement of locks in the Visible.
The opening of door locks, door, safe, garage, office, villas, apartment, cottage, Cabinet, drawer, basement Prominent Podolsk, Shcherbinka
Tie-in an additional lock in the iron and interior doors.
Box and opening night latches.
Replacement of locks of any complexity and any manufacturer.
Replacement cylinder luchinki, code and keys in the lock.
Repair any iron and wooden doors.
Repair of Chinese doors replacement lock Masterlock dead-bold
Opening and changing of door locks master-lok
Insert the lock installation Master-lok and dead-bold in the Chinese door
Lock replacement automatic Master-lok masterlock Chinese doors
I RECOMMEND that You write down my phone number in memory your mobile you never know when damage can occur to Your lock or latch for Your family member.
For opening the lock required documents.
In the presence of a large variety of door locks of Domestic and foreign manufacturer for various kinds and types of doors, all the locks sealed by the manufacturer.
The warranty on the work and installed the locks.
The arrival of 20 minutes.


Moscow Oblast
Prominent city


tel. 8 (925) 888-09-85

Actual on 01.01.2018
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