Grand-KLIMAT, OOO. Prominent, Russia

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Installation of air conditioning in a Prominent inexpensively with a guarantee. Standard installation of air conditioning happens in one stage and in two stages.
In one phase, in one trip, installers are installing the air conditioning under the key (internal and external).
In two stages, in two trips, the installers in the first stage, set outside unit and provide communications in the air. After repair connect the indoor unit. Air conditioner installation in two stages is obtained without boxes and wires (only during the repair).
The cost of a standard installation of air conditioning in one step:
Installation of air conditioning servicing up to 30 sq. m. of 5000 rubles
Installation of air conditioning servicing up to 50 sq. m. 6,000 rubles
Installation of air conditioning servicing up to 60 sq. m. 6,000 rubles
Installation of air conditioning servicing up to 70 sq. m. 7000 rubles
Installation of air conditioning servicing up to 80 sq. m. 7000 rubles
Installation of air conditioning servicing in excess of 80 sq. m. 8000 rubles
The cost of a standard installation of the air conditioner in two stages (during the repair):
Installation of air conditioning the First stage to repair (tab inter-unit communications), the Second stage - after the repair (an internal unit)
servicing up to 30 sq. m. of 5000 rubles 2000 rubles
serving up to 50 sq. m. 6000 rubles 2000 rubles
serving up to 60 sq. m. 6000 rubles 2000 rubles
serving up to 70 sq. m. 7,000 rubles 2000 rubles
serving up to 80 sq. m. 8,000 rubles 2000 rubles
serving over 80 sq. m. 8,000 rubles 2000 rubles
Standard installation of air conditioning includes the following works:
The installation of indoor unit in the room to a height of 4 meters.
Installation of the outdoor unit under the window without the involvement of industrial climber.
Strip inter-module communications up to 5 meters.
Drill one through hole to output the communications in the outer wall.
Communications to the outside and decorated their plastic boxes.
Laying of power cable with a plug length of 3 meters to the nearest outlet, and decorating it with a plastic box of the required size.
The standard installation of the air conditioner included the following:
Bracket kit for mounting the outdoor unit.
Cable interconnect -6 M.
Drain hose - 5 m
Insulation - 10 m.
Plastic box - 1 m. under communication.
Plastic box - 3 M. under nutrition.
Sealing foam.
Additional equipment for air conditioners:
Winter kit - 4000 rubles
Drain pump - from 3500 rubles
Visor - 1500 rubles
Vandalism protection 4000 rubles
Installation of additional equipment:
Revision of the "Winter kit" - 3000 rubles
Installation of drainage pump - 1500 rubles
Installation of the visor - 1000 rubles
The installation of "protection" outdoor unit - 1000 rubles
The cost shtrobleniya under communication of the air conditioner (during a repair only the through hole is included in the standard installation of air conditioner):
Shtroblenie walls of the foam block 50x50 mm - 750 rubles Pogue.m.
Shtroblenie walls brick 50x50 mm - 1000 RM.m.
Shtroblenie walls concrete/monolith 50x50 mm 1500 RM.m.
Shtroblenie walls of the foam block 30x30 mm - 500 rubles Pogue.m.
Shtroblenie walls brick 30x30 mm - 750 rubles Pogue.m.
Shtroblenie walls concrete/monolith 30x30 mm - 1000 RM.m.
The cost of the route:
Inter-track 1/4 - 3/8 (for air conditioners up to 3.0 kW) + tab - 700 rubles Pogue.m.
Inter-track 1/4 - 1/2 (for air conditioners up to 5.0 kW) + tab - 1000 RM.m.
Inter-track 1/4 - 5/8 (for air conditioners up to 7.0 kW) + bookmark - 1200 rubles Pogue.m.
Interconnect track is 3/8 - 5/8 (for air conditioners up to 8.0 kW) + bookmark - 1500 rubles Pogue.m.
The cost of non-standard installation of external unit:
Ventilated facade (dismantling, cutting, non-standard fasteners) - 2000 rubles
Working with ladders over 3 meters - 1000 rubles
Mounting stand + stand - 3500 rubles
Engaging climber - 5000 rubles
Installation with auto rigs - 6000 rubles
Official warranty on all installation work 5 years!


Moscow Oblast
Prominent city

Sovetskiy proezd, 4

tel. +7 (499) 391-34-72
Actual on 01.01.2018
Project SPRAVKA109.RU © 2025