Checkpoint. Vladikavkaz, Russia

Views: 81

Welcome to the website of group of companies "Checkpoint"!

Since 1995 the company "Checkpoint" has a strong position in the market of uniforms and equipment for various organizations, law enforcement agencies and departments, as well as for hunters and fishermen. Over the long history we have come a long way. Today, the company includes a wide network of wholesale and retail stores in the southern, North Caucasian and Central Federal districts, several garment factories, ateliers, model-design offices, warehouse, own fleet of vehicles. As of today, we stably generated and maintained in stock more than 7,000 items.

In the garment factories are working on a high-performance sewing and cutting automatic equipment, the designing of the clothes is carried out using computer-aided design and design patterns and layouts Graffis. All this combined with professionalism of our employees allows us to monitor the quality of the product and to fulfill orders for deliveries of any size and any level of complexity.

We put a lot of effort and money in upgrading production and training staff to offer customers products and service of exceptional quality. Today the company employs over 600 people, many of whom work in the company more than 15 years.

On an ongoing basis supported by partnerships with the largest Russian and foreign manufacturers, representatives of leading world brands: MAX FUCHS, PROPPER, MAGELLAN, BUTEKS, ZIPPO, VICTORINOX, MAG LITE, "GLORY", SPECIJALISTA southwest, 3M, ROOMS, CHF‘STER, NOVA TOUR, RAFTING, SARDONYX, JAHTI JAKT, PINEWOOD, RAPALA, SHIMANO.

All presented in the catalogue products are certified in accordance with Russian standards and technical requirements of manufacturers.

On the website You can find the list of products and place your order to buy all necessary. Also we are ready to fulfill your individual order with Your specific requirements, to implement an integrated supply in the same style with Your logo for all employees of Your organization.
Corporate Department: phone: 8(928)685-40-86


Northern Ossetia - Alania Republic
Vladikavkaz city

str. Dzhanaeva, 38

tel. 8 (8672) 700-042
Actual on 01.01.2018
Project SPRAVKA109.RU © 2025