Comprehensive environmental survey (audit), analysis of the environment and sanitation;
The development of regulatory environmental documentation:
of draft regulations for maximum permissible emissions into the atmospheric air MPE (vers);
of draft standards for waste and limits on their placing (dwgndl);
draft standards for permissible discharges (VAT);
The development of passports and certificates of production wastes and consumption;
The calculation of payment for negative impact on the environment;
Development of projects of sanitary protection zones (SPZ);
Impact assessment of the proposed activity on the environment (the EIA as part of pre-project and project documentation);
Development of sections of project documentation "List of measures on environmental protection" (EMP);
Development of design documentation sections "actions for ensuring fire safety" (BCH);
Development of sections of project documentation "List of measures for civil defense, measures for prevention of emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters (civil defense and emergency management);
Development of design documentation "the Project of dismantling";
Development of design documentation "the Project of organization of construction";
Carrying out engineering-ecological surveys and the preparation of technical reports.