Grain, a private kindergarten. Vladivostok, Russia

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Our mission

- To change society, helping parents in the education of their children, we started with ourselves.
- We have transformed their lives studying the psychology of relationships, learning, humane education, leading a healthy way of life, so we have confidence that we can now share it.
We firmly believe that we can participate in the formation of children and their parents the right values in life.
- We have created a space in which children can Express themselves as whole and successful person.

At present, there are problems of modern society:
- Lack of places in kindergartens;
- No serious Institute of education of the family;
- The principle of unisex;
- Disrespect of elders;
Propaganda of immorality, alcohol and drugs;
- Environmentally unfriendly and unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk food
- A huge amount of electronic entertainment, abundance of harmful toys

Realizing all these difficulties, as parents, and most importantly, motivated by a desire to help the younger generation grow up as harmonious personalities, we are opening a kindergarten "Seed", where we share love, knowledge, experience that will help our children.

We are a team of like - minded people:

- Mature and conscious people, inspired by the idea of forming a healthy society with proper values.
- Constantly improving both moral and professional
- Willing to take responsibility in helping the education of children

Our main goal is to create a space of love and care that will help children:

to form the correct values;
- to see and discover their natural abilities;
- to develop self-confidence;
- learn to make decisions, in consultation with the senior;
- while maintaining the credibility of the peace, purity and kindness of their hearts.

Unique features of our garden:
There are significant differences in the upbringing of boys and girls. Some 100 years ago in our country, education was separate – the boys were taught separately, girls – separately. And taught different.

The boys planted the masculine qualities of the character:
- self-control
- responsibility
- determination

The girls in the right way formed the feminine qualities:
- thrift
- kindness
- taking care of loved ones
- chastity

Plus, all instilled a respect for elders, love of country, nature, culture and General knowledge. So the boy is already a teenager was a real man – the gentleman, the protector, the provider, the head of the family. And girls in adolescence, the mistress, the Keeper of the hearth. This was the Foundation of their future happiness.

Technical capabilities and resources of our garden:

!!Obtained a license for educational activity

!!Approved by Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection

Modern fire safety system and CCTV.

Three floors with an area of 240 sq. m.

The age of the kids:

Younger group (age 2 to 4 years)
Older group (age 4 to 6 years)

Our garden is close and accessible:
The garden is one of the best areas of the city – a Century
Affordable price

Without additional contributions.


Primorsky Krai
Vladivostok city

str. Firsova, 4a

tel. +7 (914) 072-88-52
Actual on 01.01.2018
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