Medical center "Flebomed" moved from the street World, 49. New ul Chernikova 10 (TDC Status)
The physicians in the following specialties:
-surgery (including children‘s)
-vascular surgery
-otorhinolaryngology ( including children‘s)
All kinds of tests
ULTRASONIC examination of all organs and systems ( veins,arteries, OMT, OBP, heart, kidneys,liver, etc.)
ECG, ECG by Holter
Pre-trip checks for drivers
Lymph massage
Muscle massage ( muscle toning)
Our address: St. Chernikov 10 (TDC Status)
MTS - 8-919-893-20-17
Beeline - 8-961-407-06-63
Tele2 - 8-908-516-65-56
We invite organizations and individuals to contract for the provision of services for pre - and post-trip examinations of drivers!