"The right People"- the largest Russian company, presenting ready solutions in the field of personnel management in 2009.
We are a modern company and our team is one of the key success factors. We are looking for highly qualified experts in their field. Our motto: "Achieve your goals".
We propose to grow and develop together with our team. At the moment, the company has representative offices in 14 regions of Russia, and next year we will launch!
Provide a team of handymen and porters up to 10 people the next day after the application of 200 RUB./person-hour
Have you ever had to hire low-skilled staff? Then you should be aware that:
1. Have to spend a lot of time searching for the right employees
2. It is very difficult to quickly dial the necessary number of employees for a limited period of time
3. With all these efforts You are not immune from tardiness, absenteeism, and drunkenness
4. Even when You hire staff, you will need to control the process of work or hiring another person
The way out of this difficult situation You might be outsourcing staff. Selecting the "Professional resource", you will receive a number of benefits:
1. Our unique automated system of recruitment. About jobs instantly recognize hundreds of potentially interested in working with you.
2. The calculation of the personal ratings of all employees. Working for You will receive only the best staff: responsible, Executive and motivated
3. Flexible staffing. In return Vasami needs we can vary number of people on a daily and even hourly
4. Work under one contract. Now You don‘t have to dig in the papers
5. With all these advantages of staff outsourcing is beneficial also in financial terms. You only pay for the time worked effectively exempt from tax for staff also reduces the cost of the personnel Department and the accounting Department
We have for You a base of more than 1000 potential employees are ready to accomplish your objective. We offer services for the provision of emergency staff: porters, laborers, stevedores, forwarding agents, laborers, workers in the warehouse unloading/loading trucks and containers, packers, workers, pipeline workers, stickeroni, collectors cardboard products, klasyki , packers, personnel for ground works, digging trenches, landscaping, etc., cleaners, other staff working without special skills
Stages of our services:
1.You leave the request on the website or by phone
2. Refine the details with You order
3. Departure of the expert on object (if necessary)
4. Negotiate conditions and prices, signing of the contract
5 Execution of works
6. The completion, signing of act of performed works