The pawnshop No. 1 provides loans on favorable terms. The loan can be carried out under the vehicle or its title.
The pawnshop No. 1 — one of the few pawnshop operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On pawnshops", No. 196-FZ dated 19.07.2007, and strictly observe the rules of work. Our organisation consists on the account in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Federal service for financial monitoring, and is an active member of the League of Pawnshops.
The pawnshop No. 1 especially careful about the security business, so our customers can be assured that their property is in a safe place: safety provide a reliable security system partner Cesar Satellite, and all collateral vehicles and machinery is insured for the full estimated cost to the insurance company Ingosstrakh.
Our company is focused on loans secured vehicles to individuals and companies. With our help, you can obtain a loan secured by car, equipment, motor vehicles and boats. If you are in a difficult life situation, Lombard Avtoshans can provide money for the above items of collateral, and to carry out urgent redemption of cars and other vehicles on favorable terms.