Mrtshka-Volzhskiy. Volzhsky, Russia

Views: 118

Center of magnetic resonance diagnosis.

Centers diagnostics "Mrtshka" specializiruetsya on the provision of quality medical services.

All of our diagnostic centers are equipped with modern equipment of expert class Siemens – MRI scanner with a field strength of 1.5 Tesla.

The medical staff of our centers is highly qualified and has extensive experience in the field of diagnostics. We combine doctors from different regions of the country that gives you the opportunity to develop professional skills and knowledge of employees to solve complicated diagnostic cases with the help of doctors.

We create tangible quality to every visitor: affordable prices and time, convenient location, professional service, pleasant and soothing decor, modern methods of diagnosis.


Volgograd Oblast
Volzhsky city

ave. Lenina, 90zh

tel. 8 (8443) 201-201
Actual on 01.01.2018
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