Office. Vologda, Russia

Views: 26

The limited liability company "Office" was in March 2006. By that time, was formed a healthy functioning team capable of a wide range of activities on rendering services in the field of real estate. The actual beginning of systematic activities was laid in 2004. In the process of transition to the establishment of a legal entity real estate Agency "the Office" was the property of the entrepreneur.
Range of activities the society expands, since 2008, organized by the legal Agency. Head of legal Agency has experience of conducting cases in the Supreme court of the Russian Federation and Federal arbitration court Severo-the Western district. Since April 2009 our organisation has authority to conduct assessment in accordance with the Federal law of 29 July 1998 No. 135-F3 "About estimated activity in the Russian Federation".
Currently, OOO "Office" includes the office of the four office premises with an area of 77 square meters. It‘s not the leased premises, and the property of the Company. In the office permanently employs 15 employees. There is a separate division in Vologda, Batyushkov‘s street 7.
Our organization is registered in the MRU Rosfinmonitoring in the northwestern Federal district for the number 614005600.


Vologda Oblast
Vologda city

160000, str. Zosimovskaya, 66

tel. +7 (8172) 56-25-67
Actual on 01.01.2018
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