Electronic journal.
The purpose is to provide the wider scientific community and practitioners the opportunity to get acquainted with results of research in the Humanities and social Sciences, to participate in the discussion of the issues raised.
The priority subject matter of the journal includes the following sections:
Agribusiness in the region;
innovative development of territories;
information technology;
the quality of human potential;
young researchers;
the organization of research activities;
admission to the library isedt RAS;
problems of development of territorial systems;
regional economy;
social problems of territories development;
chronicle of scientific life;
the economy of the territories;
labor Economics and personnel management;
labor Economics;
economic education.
The journal is indexed in Russian index of scientific citing (RISC)
The purpose of the journal – providing to the wider scientific community and practitioners the opportunity to get acquainted with results of scientific researches in the field of scientific support of the economy of the territories to take part in the discussion of these problems.
The priority subject matter of the journal includes the following sections:
- agricultural policy and agricultural development;
- relevant information: facts and figures;
- state regulation of territorial development;
- foreign experience;
- innovative potential development of territories;
- information society and it;
- quality of life and human potential of the territories;
- book review;
- organization and management;
- from the editor;
- territorial Finance;
- sustainable development of territories, industries and industrial complexes;
- chronicle of scientific life;
- ecology and natural resource management;
- economic security;
the effectiveness of governance (state, regional, municipal, and businesses).
The journal is indexed in Russian index of scientific citation (RISC) and international information systems Ulrich‘s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, and placed in an international database of VINITI.
The journal publishes articles devoted to analyze and forecast changes in the economy and social spheres of various countries and regions, local areas. The main purpose is to provide the wider scientific community and practitioners the opportunity to get acquainted with results of scientific researches in the field of scientific support of the economy of the territories to take part in the discussion of these problems.
The journal is included in the List of HAC, is indexed in Russian index of scientific citation (RISC) and international information systems Ulrich‘s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, and is placed in international databases EBSCOhost and ProQuest.
Is published in Russian and English.