Bath on Wheels. Vorkuta, Russia

Views: 114

We offer to your attention a new service in our beloved city Avtobanya.
Steam room, relaxation room, all the conditions for a good time and getting positive emotions. Shower, television, audio system 5.1, water supply, home, hot and cold water, possibility to cook the meat on the grill.
Capacity up to 8 people - free!

More details can be found in the group: . Group members a 10% DISCOUNT

The order of Avtoban are produced in advance according to the number 8-912-502-22-28.
Temporarily in the absence of the driver, Avtobanya is located on the territory in the area of Komsomolskaya square.
The cost of services provided is:
1 hour - 600 RUB
At the order of the bath on 4 + hours, free shipping customers one-way.


Komi Republic
Vorkuta city

169900, Kapitalnaya, 12

tel. 8 (912) 502-22-28
Actual on 01.01.2018
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