Pure road salt is not recommended for use because it has a very negative impact on the quality of the road surface and roadside soil. Promotes the active manifestation of the corrosion of the vehicle body and damage shoes.
Preformed pure sodium chloride, antibacterial and disinfecting effect, is widely used for water treatment in boiler construction. Is an indispensable element of the smooth and normal functioning of all types of boiler equipment.
To effectively combat ice in winter, salt is used career.
Selling salt to be used in anti-icing measures is usually seasonal. In winter, the demand increases sharply, which leads to essential increase in selling prices.
There are currently various anti-icing agents, which is certainly sodium chloride, but in terms of ecology, alternative solutions, no doubt, much more efficient.
The sale is in packaging of 25 kg or bulk.
Technical salt is used in chemical industry, in particular, to obtain the chloride and caustic substances.
The best option is to buy salt in the period of moderate demand (August-September) at the lowest possible price and in the volume.
But, keep in mind that this mineral concentrate is wonderful absorbs moisture, i.e. it is a hygroscopic substance, so its storage requires specific conditions. It must be a dry room or area with a shed that has a concrete or asphalt surface with drainage provision of drainage measures in the event of rain.