Stroykomfort. Yaroslavl, Russia

Views: 61

Company Stroykomfort - construction of houses and cottages "turnkey" in the Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region.
- Build of brick, concrete blocks, timber frame houses, log houses, solid and other types of homes. Building for finishing or fully finished "turnkey". The project home as a gift at the conclusion of the contract for construction.
- Have been working for 15 years. Built more than 500 different objects, including: country and individual residential houses permanent and seasonal residence, baths, cabins, apartment buildings, shopping malls, construction of industrial and commercial applications etc.
- Professionally as well certain types of works: construction of foundations of all kinds, the interior and exterior of any premises, facade work, the device of the walls, roof and other work.
- Own production of sawn timber.
- There are all kinds of permits and SRO, the liability of the insured. Working with VAT.
Contact the professionals!
- You can request it on the website or by phone (4852)67-02-13


Yaroslavl Oblast
Yaroslavl city

150048, Moskovskiy ave., 157

tel. 8 (4852) 67-02-13
Actual on 01.01.2018
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