Technology, LTD PC. Yaroslavl, Russia

Views: 117

Production company "Technology" produces a wide range of technical means of traffic organization and Parking: the speed humps IDN-300, IDN-500, IDN-900, rubber colocotroni, flexible warning posts, fencing milestones, Delineator, rubber protection walls and corners, road cones, spherical mirrors etc. We manufacture standard, DODD and also work on individual projects of our Customers.


Yaroslavl Oblast
Yaroslavl city

150049, pr-t Tolbuhina, 17a

tel. 8 (4852) 45-74-42
tel. 45-76-09
tel. (4852) 45-99-27
tel. (4852) 58-07-15.
Actual on 01.01.2018
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