Avtoekspertiza, independent assessment of the car. Zvenigorod, Russia

Views: 70

1. Independent recalculation of the value of the damage after the accident in case of disagreement with the insurance company.
2. Independent examination of the damage after the accident to provide:
- the insurance company;
- the Russian Union of motor insurers (RAMI);
- in court (in the absence of CTP at the culprit);
- ATS (the illegal actions of third persons).
3. Calculation of loss of commodity cost (UTS).
4. The market value of vehicles, commercial vehicles and machinery to provide:
- in the Bank in obtaining credit;
- to the court for recognition of property rights (snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, tractors);
- when writing off from the balance of the organization.
5. Assessment for entry into an inheritance through the notary.
- the speed;
- objectivity;
- departure to the client;
- the licensed software;
- cash and cashless payments.

Included in the Register of members of the Nonprofit partnership "self-regulating organization of appraisers Advisory Council 10.09.2013 g. No. 1112.


Moscow Oblast
Zvenigorod city

str. Shkolnaya, 3

tel. 8 (926) 567-35-20

Actual on 01.01.2018
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