Complete list of cities of Moldova by region
Dubăsari district
Gagauziya ato
Levobereje dnestra ate
Munitsipiy belts
Munitsipiy bendery
Munitsipiy kishin v
Munitsipiy kishinev
Rayon aneniy noy
Rayon basarabyaska
Rayon brichen
Rayon chimishliya
Rayon dondushen
Rayon drokiya
Rayon dubesar
Rayon edinets
Rayon felesht
Rayon floresht
Rayon gloden
Rayon hynchesht
Rayon kagul
Rayon kantemir
Rayon kelerash
Rayon keushen
Rayon kriulen
Rayon leova
Rayon nisporen
Rayon oknitsa
Rayon orhey
Rayon rezina
Rayon ryshkan
Rayon sholdenesht
Rayon shtefan vode
Rayon soroka
Rayon streshen
Rayon syndjerey
Rayon tarakliya
Rayon telenesht
Rayon ungen
Rayon yaloven
Slobodzeya district
The telephone directory contains information about the city`s enterprises.You are in the section "Search" of the city . If you do not see business cards, then most likely they are still If you are a resident of , and you know the enterprises of this city well, you can help us fill this section, and add one or several business phones yourself. This will help other users of the site find the phone in the city . All applications are subject to mandatory moderation.