CRYSTAL. Bucha, Ukraine

Views: 91

1Школа dancing CRYSTAL - the best in town Bucha! We work for You and YOUR children since 2007. For You to try only highly skilled, experienced and wise choreographers of international level! In the CRYSTAL, the coaches - choreographers will help You to not only dream, but also help to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities!
Modern dance, ballroom dancing, acrobatics and gymnastics -for children;
Modern dance (from go-Go to hip-hop) Lady Latin dance and more for adults! DANCING is not only a universal language, a way to Express themselves. to find friends , but also an efficient kind of healthy lifestyle! with duboviy, CRYSTAL


Kyiv region
Bucha city

08292, Hovoe Shosse, 14
Hovoe Shosse, 14

tel. +380 (67) 403-52-70
tel. +380 (93) 220-12-80

Actual on 01.01.2018
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