Aybolit. Chernigov, Ukraine

Views: 175

Veterinary clinic VETERINARIAN conducts
- all types of treatment
- advice on feeding and maintenance of Your pet
- advice on the care of exotic animals (of dego, ferret, squirrel, Chipmunk, and, Agama, iguana, ablavar, cineasti skink)
- treatment of exotic animals
- ultrasonic cleaning of teeth
- laboratory tests
- chipping Pets
- vaccination of imported drugs
- obstetrics, birthing plan
call the doctor at home
veterinary pharmacy
- electrocardiogram
- grooming cats

It is recommended that a preliminary record by phone

ATTENTION! We moved, our new address
g. Chernigov, PR-t Pobedy, 49 (opposite printing the "Desnyanska truth")
Hours: Mon.-PT. 9.00-18.00


Chernihiv region
Chernigov city

pr-t Pobedy, 49

tel. +3 (093) 147-69-38

Actual on 01.01.2018
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