Ecology, environmental audit of Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk)

Ecology, environmental audit :

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Econis center SPE, LLC
Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Besedova, 56, 30, 51938

tel. (050) 36 36 449
LLC “Scientific-production enterprise “ECONIS-CENTER” carries out the development and coordination of environmental projects, the list of which is reflected in the Charter of the enterprise: norms of water consumption per unit of production; inventory of sources and development of standards of formation of waste; register cards of objects of education, waste treatment and utilization, technical passports of waste; inventory of emission sources and development of supporting materials for obtaining permission to emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air, etc.

Coordination of projects in government.

The team considers the environmental problems of the enterprises in the complex: scientific, industrial and regulatory point of view, and, using the synergy, finds an optimally weighted version of the solutions - how to minimize the expenses of the company for compulsory environmental measures and documents. Annually specialists of the company undergo refresher courses, participate in seminars, undergoing certification.

The company entered in the register of organizations of Ukraine, committed to the development of normative documents in the field of ecology (registration certificate of 09.11.2010, No. 464).

In composition OOO "NPP "ECONIS CENTER" is the measuring laboratory certified by GP "Dneprostandartmetrologiya" (certificate PCH-080/2011 from 15.04.11). Our company uses advanced equipment to measure dust flux, as well as approved methods for measuring concentrations of contaminants.

The company is a payer of profit tax on a common basis, the payer of value added tax


- An environmental audit (certificate of environmental auditor).

- Conducting instrumental and laboratory measurements of pollutants in ambient air;
- Carrying out control over observance of standards of emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air;
- Development and registration of a gas purification unit;
- Checking the efficiency of gas purification unit;
- Conduct and Report on inventory of pollutant emissions approval from the state Department of environmental protection (Inventory of emission sources);
- Development of documents which substantiate the amount of emissions to permit the emission of pollutants into atmospheric air by stationary sources;
- Preparation and submission of documents for obtaining permission to emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air;
- Production (withdrawal) of the company to the state accounting in the sphere of protection of atmospheric air;
- Change the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise.

- Inventory of sources and standards for waste, approval from the state Department of environmental protection (inventory waste);
- Preparation and execution of the registered card (RC), the coordination of the RK in the regional sanitary-epidemiological station, the approval of Kazakhstan in the state Department of environmental protection (registry card);
- Preparation of technical passports of waste (TPO), the TPO approval to the state Department of environmental protection (technical passport of waste);
- Preparation of documents for obtaining limits on education, treatment and disposal of wastes, the provision of government (the limits on waste).

- Preparation and execution of norms of water consumption and wastewater per unit of products subject to the approval of the regional water management authority, coordination in state management of environmental protection (water consumption norms).

- Provision of consultancy services for preparation of statistical reports under the form №2-TP (air);
- Provision of Advisory services on the calculation of the environmental tax;
- Providing consulting services for preparation and coordination of schedule control over the observance of MPE.
Actual on 03.10.2017
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