Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), The syrovets , 38
tel. 097 4399323
The vet
Veterinary clinic "ALLVET-ZOO" provides all types of veterinary services, including
-advice on care and maintenance;
diagnosis (analysis of blood, urine, stool, ultrasound);
-advice on prevention and treatment;
-obstetrics and gynecology;
-prophylactic medical examination;
-beauty treatments (haircut, ultrasonic teeth cleaning).
Advice on care and maintenance
Veterinary specialists of our clinic will be able to explain to You how to properly care for animals to pick the appropriate diet for Your pet based on age, lifestyle and state of health.
For the successful treatment of the animal is one of the main conditions is the correct diagnosis, so laboratory studies of urine, blood, feces, and more investigations - ultrasound, ECG is very important for diagnosis. Also very important is early diagnosis, which enables to clearly assess the overall picture of the disease, therefore, self-treatment often leads to the symptoms of the greased and establish the cause of the disease is quite difficult, consequently, the sooner You seek help, the more likely staging correct diagnosis.
Advice on treatment
After diagnosis it is necessary to choose an appropriate treatment, which will include causal and symptomatic therapy. Additionally, the treatment must be convenient to carry by the owner of the animal. Sometimes the treatment requires adjustment, so it‘s important to trust the doctor and the time to report any changes in health status and behavior of Your animal.
Prevention includes vaccination and check-up. Vaccination – mandatory event, which begins with the age of 6-8 weeks and is carried out every 2-3 weeks until the age of 12 weeks. Basically we use the scheme: 8-9 weeks and 12 weeks. Vaccination is done against canine distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, leptospirosis (dogs), rhinotracheitis, kalitsiviroza, panleukopenia, chlamydia (cats), rabies, ringworm. Mandatory annual revaccination allows you to either prevent illness or to recover in a milder form than not vaccinated animals. Such a diagnosis, as rabies, plague, leptospirosis is considered fatal, and rabies and leptospirosis is dangerous to humans, so prevention of these diseases is particularly relevant.
Annual prophylactic medical examination includes blood, urine, feces and advice of the attending physician. This allows to prevent the development of disease or to reveal the hidden and chronic diseases on time and carry out the treatment before exacerbation. This is usually true in the spring and autumn.
In the spring, so the issue of sterilization becomes more and more relevant. Unfortunately, a large part of Pets is not subjected to sterilization because "sorry". BUT none of the owners think about the facts that cats spayed before the first sexual inclination, up to 70% less common breast tumor; non-castrated male dogs over 5 years old hyperplasia (changes in tissue) of the prostate is considered normal; unsterilized cats can come in rut every 2 weeks, given the specific features of the sexual cycle, and hormonal drugs can be given no more frequently than twice a year, plus they have serious side effects, which eventually lead to inflammation of the uterus and its subsequent removal. Therefore, sterilization of cats is recommended from the age of 7 months, and dog after her first heat.
Infectious diseases
Spring is the period of exacerbation of not only chronic diseases, but an increase in cases of infectious diseases. To the clinic daily treat viral enteritis (dog), kalitsiviroza, rhinotracheitis (cats), so if Your puppy or kitten became lethargic, began to abandon the feeding and moreover appeared vomiting or diarrhea, it is urgent to take him to a doctor.
The temperature outside every day increases, and the spring sun crept out to enjoy our small friends-companions – ticks, and fleas. Therefore, every day examine the animal for their detection. If the fleas bit You can not find, but You can easily find dandruff dark brown color, especially in the area of the back and tail. Only 10-15% of fleas live on the animal, and the rest is in the environment, so it is important to treat not only the animal, but the place where it sleeps and spends the most time. As for ticks, You always can find it, so if Your pet is beginning to give up food, breathing heavily, body temperature above 39 (norm. 38 -39 C), the urine became darker, or even blood – it is urgent to consult a doctor.
Beauty treatments
In our clinic You can get hairdresser – haircut and exhibition "home", hair removal from ears, nail clipping.
In addition, the proposed cleaning of the teeth ultrasonic scaler.
Pet shop "ALLVET-ZOO"
In our pet shop You can purchase:
food, including therapeutic diets;
- vitamin-mineral supplements;
- dainty;
- preparations for the treatment and prevention;
- protection from external parasites (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes) – drops on the withers, sprays, collars;
- funds for deworming (tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers);
- means for carrying out processing premises;
- ammunition;
- combs;
- carrying;
fillers toilets for cats (wood, silicone, sand);
- shampoos;
- food for fish.
Before purchasing, You can consult with a veterinary specialist.
All in stock and on order, probably home delivery.